Bulgarian Language as an Object of Legislative Initiatives in the Beginning of the XXI Century
Dr. Vladislav Marinov, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Krasimira Vasileva, Chief Assist. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. The present study is the first one that aims to present a comparative analysis of the bills for the use of the Bulgarian language introduced in the Parliament since 2004...
Language Note as a Linguistic Genre
Dr. Vladislav Milanov, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The article is devoted to the topic of the language note as a linguistic genre. The actuality of the problem is motivated by the fact that so many linguistic notes have already been accumulated that they need to be described and structured....
On Bulgarian Dali-Questions and the Relation to the Subjunctive Mood
Margarita Dimitrova, PhD
Center of Linguistics of the University of Lisbon
Abstract. The subjunctive mood has been widely discussed from the perspective its selection in complements of volitional, directive and emotive-factive predicates (Picallo 1984, Raposo 1985, Ambar 1988, a.o.)…
Bulgarian Language Curricula in School Education – Current State and Prospects
Assoc. Prof. Verka Sasheva Ivanova, PhD
Assist. Prof. Velin Petrov, PhD
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Absract. The article analyzes the current Bulgarian language curricula in primary and secondary education...
Linguistic and Methodological Problems when Working in Profi led Preparation Classes
Prof. Dr. Angel Petrov
Sofia University
Absract. The first part of the article analyzes linguistic and methodological problems in the teaching of the Bulgarian language in the two modules for profiled preparation in the XI and XII grades of secondary school – “Language and Society” and “Language Uses”...
Explanation, Narration and Lecture as Teaching Methods – Signifi cant Characteristics of Language and Style
Dr. Galina Georgieva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. Explanation, Narration and Lecture as teaching methods are criticized by many authors and students, but the teachers prefer using these methods...
The Novel „Debelyanov's Diary. The Blue Notebook“ – Challenges to the Genre or Diary of Consciousness
Dr. Vencislav Bozhinov, Assist. Prof.
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. This article introduces Roman Hadjikosev's debut novel, Debelyanov's Diary: The Blue Notebook...
Roles and Meanings of Learned Images, or on Ancient Reminiscences in the Bulgarian National Revival Literature
Dr. Vladimir Ignatov
9th High French School in Sofia “Alphonse de Lamartine“
Sofia University
Absract. The article suggests an attempt to comment the book “Ancient Reminiscences in Revival Literature” by Andriana Spasova through its main purpose – the careful description of the place of the ancient image in the context of secular and religious literature in the 19th century and the specifics of their reader’s reception...
Time Matters When We Leave… Books
Dr. Gergana Padareva-Ilieva, Assoc. Prof.
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. The article briefly presents five new books that were promoted at a special event at the University Library of South-West University “Neofit Rilski” in June 2022...