Equilibrium and Cyclic Processes
D. Lazarov
Curriculum Matters
On the Application of Both the State Core Curricula Requirements and the Programme of Study of Chemistry and Environmental Protection in the 10th Form of the Secondary School
Absract. Discussion on the application in practice of both the State Core Curricula Requirements for the upper secondary school and the Programme of study for the 10th form, compulsory level, in Chemistry and Environmental Protection, is presented. Some shortcomings and disadvantages in statements of expected attainment outcomes are identified. A revised version of the school programme of study for the 10th form is proposed. It would afford an opportunity to improve the diagnostics and evaluation of pupils’ achievements.
Keywords: chemistry education, education standards, goal taxonomy
1. Бояджиева, Е., М. Кирова, С. Манев. Анализ на държавните образователни изисквания за учебно съдържание по химия и опазване на околната среда. Химия. 14, 261-264 (2005).
2. Цанова, Н. Стандарти и учебни програми по биология – начин на употреба. Pensoft, София-Москва, 2007.
3. Станев, С. (ред). Методология и технология за създаване на държавните образователни стандарти. НИО, София, 2000.
4. Bloom, B.S., D.R. Krathwohl. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook I: Cognitive Domain. Longmans, New York, 1956.
5. Министерство на образованието и науката. Учебни програми IV част. За задължителна и профилирана подготовка IX, X, XI и XII клас. Културнообразователна област: Природни науки и екология. ГРПИ, София, 2003.
Corresponding author: leni_b@abv.bg
E. Boiadjieva, M. Kirova, A. Tafrova-Grigorova
Curriculum Matters
Design of a Technology Towards the Environmental Education through Teaching and Learning Chemistry
Absract. An attempt is carried out to construct a technology for environmental education through the chemistry lessons. The components of that technology, namely, educational approaches, forms, methods and tools, together with their interrelations, are elucidated. The applicability of the technology has been experimentally proved.
Keywords: ecological education, teaching chemistry
1. Василев, В., Й. Димова, Т. Коларова-Кънчева. Рефлексия и обучение. Част I. Рефлексията – теория и практика. Макрос, Пловдив, 2005.
2. Петров, П., М. Атанасова. Образователни технологии и стратегии на учене. Веда Словена ЖГ, София, 2001.
3. Селевко, Г. Современные образовательные технологии. Народное образование, Москва, 1998.
4. Гергова, Е., А. Ангелачева. Актуализиране на целите на екологичното образование чрез обучението по химия. В.: Науката, методиката и училището – конфликтни точки, срещи и разминавания. Юбилейна научно-практическа конференция Том II. ПУ „П. Хилендарски.” Смолян, 2002, с. 89-92.
5. Gergova, E., A. Angelacheva. A Proper Curriculum for Environmental Education. Chemistry 12, 133-141 (2003) [In Bulgarian].
6. Гергова, Е., З. Малчева. Ролята на нагледността за оптимално прилагане на проблемния подход в учебния процес по химия. Научни трудове на Пловдивския университет „Паисий Хилендарски” 21(1), 237-256 (1984).
7. Гергова, Е., А. Софрониева, Р. Дойчинова. Ролята на химичния експеримент за екологичната подготовка на учениците. В.: Боянова, Л., Л. Генкова (съст.) Химия, образование, околна среда. 36-а Национална конференция на учителите по химия в България. София, 1995, с. 154-157.
8. Ангелачева, А. Учебният химичен експеримент – важен резерв за повишаване на екологичната култура на учениците. В.: Рыбалский, Н., В. Ненов (ред.) Научни публикации от 14-тия Международен симпозиум „Екология 2005”, Том III, Част 3. Наука Инвест, Бургас, с. 140-146.
9. Ангелачева, А., Е. Гергова. Роля на задачите в обучението по химия за екологично образование. Научни трудове на Пловдивския университет „Паисий Хилендарски” 30(5), 145-149 (2001).
10. Ангелачева, А., Е. Гергова. Осъществяване на екологично образование чрез нетрадиционни организационни форми по химия. Научни трудове на Пловдивския университет „Паисий Хилендарски” 39(2), 13-25 (2002).
11. Гергова, Е., Л. Начева. Семинарните занятия в обучението по химия в 10. клас. Научни трудове на Пловдивския университет „Паисий Хилендарски” 31(2), 105-114 (1994).
Corresponding author: guergova@argon.acad.bg
E. Gergova, A. Angelacheva
Teaching Efficiency
Multimedia Modules on the Structure of Organic Compounds
Absract. Multimedia modules on hybridization, constitutional and stereo-isomerism have been developed. The module Hybridization of Atomic Orbitales consists of two sections, which are sampled on the carbon and nitrogen atoms. The Constitutional Isomerism module comprises three sections: Chain, Positional and Functional Isomers. The two sections of the module Stereoisomerism concern Enantiomers and Diastereomers. Each module is designed in similar manner: a tutorial section to support learning with basic information, and a test section to assist the acquisition of the new concepts and self-training. Most of the samples are represented by three-dimensional models, some of them are animated. The subject matter matches both the chemistry curricular content of the foreign students’ preparatory course and the Bulgarian Secondary School.
Keywords: multimedia, hybridization, organic compounds, constitutional isomerism, stereoisomerism
1. Косекова, Г. Web-базирано обучение в Медицинския университет – София. Химия/Chemistry 14, 413-420 (2005).
2. Тафрова-Григорова А., И. Барановска, К. Янкулова. Мултимедийни модули за обучение по химия. В.: Николаева, С., В. Гюрова, Б. Господинов (ред.) Международна конференция “Университетското образование – предизвикателства и перспективи през XXI век”. Унив. изд. „Св. Климент Охридски“, София, 2006, с. 146-152.
3. Тафрова-Григорова, А., К. Янкулова, И. Барановска. Мултимедийни модули – химична връзка. Химия/Chemistry 16, 92-98 (2007).
4. McMurry, J.E. Organic Chemistry (3rd Еdn.). Wadsword, Belmont, 1992.
5. Петров, Г. Органична химия. Унив. изд. „Св. Климент Охридски“, София, 2006.
Corresponding author: a_grigorova@yahoo.com
A. Tafrova-Grigorova, K. Yankulova, I. Baranovska
Teaching Efficiency
Teaching of the Water Waves: Effectiveness of Using Computer Simulations on Students Success and Elimination of Misconceptions
Absract. In this study, we investigated effectiveness of simulations on students’ success and elimination of misconceptions regarding water waves. For this aim, one of the classes was assigned randomly to the control group, and the other class was assigned randomly to the experimental group. During teaching the water waves concepts in the physics curriculum, computer simulations were applied in the experimental group whereas traditional instruction was followed in the control group. As a result, we determined that the experimental group showed better performance than control group in terms of the success and elimination of misconceptions.
Keywords: simulation, water waves, high school, success, teaching, misconception
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24. Rieber, L.P., S.-C. Tzeng, K. Tribble. Discovery Learning, Representation, and Explanation within a Computer-Based Simulation: Finding the Right Mix. Learning & Instruction 14, 307-323 (2004).
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Author’s e-mail: rdilber@atauni.edu.tr
R. Dilber
From the Research Laboratories
Investigation of Energy and NMR Isotopic Shift on the Internal Rotation Barrier of Theta4 Dihedral Angle of the DPLC: A GIAO Study
Absract. The ‘Gauge Including Atomic Orbital’ (GIAO) approach is used to investigate the question of intermolecular rotation. Ab initio GIAO calculations of NMR chemical shielding tensors carried out within SCF-Hartree-Fock approximation are described. The influence of the internal rotating on shielding tensors in dilauroyl phosphatidylcholine (DLPC) is studied; we observe a marked dependence of nuclear shielding and chemical shift on the torsional movement. Their applicability to model case for rigid or freely rotating DLPC (the fluid Lα phase) with internal rotating between chains around the glycerol C (2)-C (3) bonds (θ4 dihedral angle) discussed and simple calculation conformational energies for each rotation are presented. In some of phospholipids structure, it is limited to measure the energy of θ4 dihedral angle practically, but studying on this model for consideration of phospholipids function is very important, because during fluid Lα phase lipid’s tails can move easily so we can determine the mathematical relationship between Energy and NMR isotropic shift in ampheric shape with usage of indirect relationship of NMR. Finally it will be useful for detecting of the attitude of DLPC in the shapes and forms in this phase. On the basis of this work it can be concluded that intermolecular rotation between chains clearly affects on the variation energy as well as variation of the shielding tensor on a nucleus in DLPC molecule.
Keywords: DLPC, NMR shielding, theta4 dihedral, isotopic, anisotropic, rotation barrier
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