(1)Suleimenov I.E. (2)Moldazhanova A.A., (2)Kopishev E.E., (3)Yegemberdiyeva Z.M.2)Niyazova G.B.
(1) Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunication
050000 Almaty, Kazakhstan
(2) L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
010008 Astana, Kazakhstan
(3) Institute of information and computational technologies
050010 Almaty, Kazakhstan
Abstract. The article considers the problems of scientific knowledge in conjunction with the formation of a person in the modern information space. Various philosophical schools and their concepts about the process of cognition, as well as the evolution of these views, are considered. A comparative analysis of modern Western European thought and the heritage of the philosophers of the “Golden Age of Islam” has been carried out. Based on the analysis, a conclusion is made about the need to set new tasks for such a discipline as social pedagogy.
Keywords: globalization; terrorism; intellectual mobilization; decadence
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