Development of the Digital Competences of Perspective Primary-School Teachers
Prof. Dr. Vladimira Angelova,
Dr. Hilda Terlemezyan, Assoc. Prof.
Plovdiv University „Paisii Hilendarski“ (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This paper examines the digital competences of current and perspective primary-school teachers the content that the ICT courses at the Educational faculty of Plovdiv university provide and their potential to develop the digital competences of the students during their studies at the university. In order to analyse the content areas of the ICT courses at the Educational faculty a content analysis was conducted of their thematic content which outlined their main focus and deficiencies…
Teacher Value Profile in a National Context
Prof. Tsvetan Davidkov, DSc.
Dr. Silvia Tsvetanska, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The paper presents data from a study of Bulgarian teachers' value orientations towards their work based on a sample of 401 professionals who come from different locations and school types. The data obtained are contrasted and comperatively analysed with data collected using the same methodology among a group of 2651 respondents from various professional fields in a national context...
The Innovative School: a Viewpoint from Social Axioms and Problem-Solving Styles
Dr. Trayan Popkochev, Assoc. Prof.
Mr. Aleksander Popkochev, PhD student
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. Innovative schools already have a serious ground in our educational system. Initiated “from above", they raise the question of whether the subjective factor is ready for innovation...
STEM Education in the Primary School: Are Teachers Ready?
Dr. Lyubka Aleksieva, Assoc. Prof.
Prof. Dr. Iliana Mirtscheva
Sofia University
Absract. STEM is an increasingly high-priority educational field on a global and national scale, which aims to prepare young people from an early age for active participation in their own future. This is evident in various international and national programs and projects, and the efforts of many scientists are focused on preparing teachers to use appropriate integrative approaches to STEM education...
Implementing the Competence Approach into the School Projects in Primary Grades
Dr. Nikolinka Atanasova, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The competence approach is one of the most effective in pedagogical practice in the world. It is dictated by the influence of the democratic educational paradigms, especially the person-oriented and constructivist ones...
The Students’ Skill to Create a Pedagogical Situation in Bulgarian Language in the Kindergarten in the Context of the Competence Approach
Dr. Ekaterina Cherneva, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The article examines students’ key skills necessary for an independent development of a pedagogical situation in Bulgarian in the kindergarten...
Education for Sustainable Development with Active Learning Methods in Primary Grades
Dr. Maximiliyana Bazan
Sofia University
Absract. The current study presents the results of an experimental study implemented within the framework of a larger scientific work...
“Mission on Mars” – Integrated STEM Lesson
Deyana Peykova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarskiˮ (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Integrated STEM teaching reflects the effort to combine some or all four disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics into one learning unit or lesson…
Ethno-Pedagogical Basis for the Implementation of Innovative Program Systems in the Conditions of an Inter-Ethnic Environment (Historiographical Analysis)
Mrs. Dafina Pandin, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. In connection with the reforms that took place in Bulgarian education in 1991, the beginning of the implementation of conceptual projects, concepts, programs and program systems in the conditions of an inter-ethnic environment was set...