1) Veselina Slavova, 2) Andriyana Andreeva, 2) Darina Dimitrova
1) Medical University „Prof. Dr. P. Stoyanov“
2) University of Economics – Varna
Abstract. The subject of the present paper is academic autonomy as one of the fundamental principles for the functioning of the higher education institutions. The need to examine it is necessitated by changes in public attitudes and the resulting new requirements for higher education institutions. This demands the implementation of a multi-disciplinary (philosophical and legal) approach, through which both the notion of academic autonomy and its relationship with the idea of the university are to be explored. The changed attitudes towards the notion of knowledge, motivated by a number of factors (scientific, political, economic), have an impact on the idea of its free distribution and acquisition. This calls for the creation of new models of higher education and the necessary legal regulation of the relations between the higher education institutions and the state, based on a balance between the freedom and autonomy of the academic community and the state control.
Keywords: academic autonomy; self-management; university
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