Effective Teaching Methods For Increasing The Quality Of Education
Absract. This article represents the projects' method as an effective way of teaching that leads to increasing the quality of education and the students' studying motivation. The projects' method affects positively not only the quality of academic and professional education, but also the improvement of skills, competences and values of the young people, thus guaranteeing their successful social inclusion and creation of lifelong learning skills. The text shows a new role of the teacher – an associate that improves the psychological climate in class, creates an atmosphere of mutual aid, creativeness and discoveries.
Keywords: method; project; quality of education; studying
Eng. Snezhina Tsvetanova
“Igor Kurchatov” Vocational School in Nuclear Technology
Amotivation: Contemporary Challenge For The Education System
Absract. The aim of this article is to systematize the problem areas in the behavior of young people in the labor market and to clarify the importance of amotivation on the observed processes. The behavior of young people, the decisions they make, are particularly important, as they will have a strategic effect on the economy. The behavior of young people, the decisions they make are especially important, as they will have a long-term effect on the economy and overcoming the motivational effect is with strategic importance for the future development of our country.
Keywords: amotivation; young people in the labor market; education; training
Dr. Irina Danailova
University of National and World Economy
„Pride And Prejudice“ – People With Hearing Loss And Their Different Abilities
Absract. This paper discusses two options for the people with hearing loss: pride of their deafness and prejudice against them on behalf of hearing people. Presented are the fears and behavior specifics of this target group.
The term “audism” is also analysed. There is also information about the unique situation of people with hearing loss, living in Iceland.
Keywords: deaf culture; deaf community; deaf history; sign language; hearing loss; pride; prejudice; deaf pride; deaf power; deaf-world; deaf wise; audism; discrimination; different abilities; Iceland
Dr. Svetoslava Saeva
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Statistical Sample Of A Scientific Project Study On The Manifestations Of Aggressiveness And Depression Of University Students
Absract. The article presents some of the data from a survey conducted to study the levels of aggression and depression of students practicing sports at the university. The study is a research and educational project funded by Sofia University and monitors the data on the impact or lack of impact on the mental side of students of all specialties and faculties at Sofia University and Medical College "Yordanka Filaretova", specialty "Rehabilitator". At this stage, the activity of the students and the most general statistical data of the surveyed students, practicing different sports disciplines within their studies at the university, are traced.
Keywords: students; sports; aggression; depression
1) Prof. Dr. Anzhelina Yaneva, 1) Dr. Elitsa Stoyanova, 2) Dr. Mariana Albert, Assist. Prof.,
1) Dr. Boyana Mitreva, Assist. Prof, 1) Ms. Valeria Lukanova, Assist. Prof, 1) Ms. Tanya Gavrailova, Senior Lecturer
1)Sofia University
2) Medical College “Yordanka Filaretova”
Medical University – Sofia
University Students’ Activity In The Subject Physical Education And Sport During Quarantine. Most Preferred Sports By The Students
Absract. 2020 will be remembered with the pandemic of COVID-19. The emergency, which the whole world has fallen into, has posed major challenges for all sectors, including the system for Physical Education and Sport in Bulgaria. The text presents the results of a study among the “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia students’ activity in the subject PE and Sport in the conditions of online activities. In addition, an updated information about the most preferred by the students sports as per 2019-2020 academic year, is presented. The results show that online education in the subject Sport is relatively successful and the role of the teacher to organize and motivate cannot be performed in an electronic environment. The sports, offered by the Sports Department of University of Sofia, almost completely overlap the students’ preferences.
Keywords: physical education and sport; online learning; students; activity; preferred sports
Dr. Petya Hristova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Online Teaching Of Physical Education In School
Absract. The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced schools in most developed countries to accept online learning as the only form of education.
In just a few days, teachers had to move to this new form of teaching, which would allow the school year to end normally and students to acquire the necessary skills. The purpose of this text is to summarize the good practices of physical education and sports teachers in schools in different countries. The main research method is the review of the scientific literature in this field. It is concluded that online physical education and sports for school students can become an effective form of teaching that can be used alone or in addition to conventional learning.
пhysical education; distance education; online teaching
Dr. Philip Shabanski, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Study On Students' Opinion About Online Fitness Classes In Epidemical Conditions
Absract. The article examines students' views on online pandemic aerobic activities. Lack of movement and social contacts are one of the main problems during isolation and work from home. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), a person needs at least 75 minutes of intense physical activity per week to be healthy.
Keywords: university students; physical activity; sports; isolation; pandemic
Ms. Nikoleta Bocheva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Table Tennis U12 Programs And Methodologies In Bulgaria
Absract. The training programs and methodologies are structuring units in planning and organizing the long-term sports training process. In accordance with the development’s main trends of sports training, they are constantly changing. The need of modernizing the training process is related to the concepts of “optimal-best” or “dose-training effect”. The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing programs and methodologies for training U12 kids in Bulgaria.
There is established earlier sports specialization (7 – 8 years), decreasing of theoretical training, increasing the technical and tactical training and wide range applying of the “multiball training” method.
Keywords: methods; programs; table tennis; kids
Dr. Venelina Tsvetkova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Challenges In Front Of Agricultural Education
Nikolay Kanchev, PhD student
South-West University Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Vocational School of Economics – Pernik
The Use Of Interactive Training In Extracurricular Activity In Information Technology
Absract. In the light of the fact that education is an area of the greatest public importance and the school as an institution is called to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of all students, the author considers the need to be paid more attention to additional training of gifted and talented students and to their participation in various competitions and Olympiads in information technology. The text examines the growing motivation and desire of students from the Vocational School of Economics - Pernik to participate in extracurricular activities and in development of projects for participation in national Olympiads and IT competitions. These successes are not only the result of traditional teaching methods and techniques, but also of some typical interactive techniques. One of these techniques is the role of the teacher as a facilitator, mentor, supporter, counselor and teammate. Shown are other techniques that increase student motivation and success.
Keywords: interactive training; extracurricular activities; information technologies; olympiads; success; statistics
Mr. Lyudmil Velinov
Vocational School of Economics – Pernik
Development Of Interactive Applications For Teaching In Philosophy For 8Th Grade Students
Absract. It is a fact, undoubtedly, that the students of today are the bearers of a new culture – the virtual one. The virtual culture is easily accessible and it has a whole new world to offer. This is a global world with no boundaries, but at the same time, the culture of reading more and more becomes a remnant of the past. The main reason for this claim is that now one can find almost everything online, philosophy included. This is what causes the main issue philosophy, as a school subject, faces- it has to prove that adolescents need it.
Beyond any doubt, philosophy is helps in the search for a meaning in life and can be helpful in the students’ world, but not as a list of eternal questions and a system of eternal truth but rather as an irreplaceable culture of questions and answers, of dialogue and discussion. The competences that Philosophy creates in students are related to their skills to participate in discussions and debate, to development of the way of thinking and also to the skills and techniques to analyze and write, comment on case studies and role-play, presentations and projects. Philosophy, however, most certainly has to cooperate with modern technologies. Should it stay beyond the present-day circumstances and back in time, philosophy would be inadequate and impossible to understand.
The main goal of this expose is to prove that students can make the inter-subject relation between philosophy and information technology themselves and also to propose an unorthodox way of teaching philosophy. The introduction and use of innovative teaching methods can significantly improve and facilitate the acquisition of key competences, namely – digital competences, learning skills, pro-activeness, cultural awareness and skills for expressing through creativity. This could also give students the opportunity to develop different applications and this way – to continuously enrich their knowledge. This is the global goal of “The World of Emotions” website, presented as a successful educational project.
he development of such interactive applications and their introduction as a method in the process of education would be a tool for significant increase of students’ interest in philosophy as a science.
Keywords: virtual culture; emotions; competences; innovative teaching methods; interactive applications
Ms. Iveta Traycheva
Vocational School of Economics – Pernik