Educational Goals and Types of Computational Thinking in the Competition Papers for II – IV Grades of the Chernorizets Hrabar Tournament
Prof. Dr. Borislav Lazarov
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Absract. Under consideration is an operationalization of the Weintrop taxonomy of computational thinking through some test items from the competition papers of the “Chernorizets Hrabar” math tournament for primary school students...
Key Performance Indicators – Input, Intervening and Output Variables
Dr. Phil Budgell
Sheffield, UK
Abstract. In this article, the author argues for an open and transparent use of data that already exists but is not collected, collated and analysed within the education system in Bulgaria…
Implementation of the Dual Form of Training in Bulgaria – Problems and Challenges
Silvia Toneva, PhD Student
Sofia University
Absract. The article presents results of a micro-study on the implementation of dual VET...
Analysis of the Application of the Principles of the Theories of Motivation in the Gamification of Learning
Abramova Oxana Fedorovna, Assoc. Prof.
Volga Polytechnic Institute (Russia)
Volgograd State Technical University (Russia)
Abstract. Recently, in the field of education, there has been a serious problem associated with the motivation for learning among schoolchildren and students...
The Ability to Learn – a Basic Prerequisite for Competence and Fulfilment
Lt. Col. Dr. Hristo Georgiev
Rakovski National Defence College
Absract. he dynamic development of the processes, which are realized in the modern societies – the diversity in the adolescent generations, the entering mass digitalization, the increased demands of the employers for knowledgeable....
Concept Analysis of Multidomain Operations and Integration of the Emerging Combat Cloud Idea
Major Kristina Krumova, Assist. Prof.
Rakovski National Defence College
Absract. The text gives an overview of the concept of Multi-Domain Operations, as well as the emerging idea of creating a Combat cloud by deploying cloud technologies...
Nature and Classification of Unmanned Surface Vehicles
Major Dimitar Yonchev, PhD Student
Rakovski National Defence College
Absract. The text describes and classifies unmanned surface vehicles (USVs)...