Science Evaluation Indicators for Chemistry: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education [In Bulgarian]
B.V. Toshev
Education: Theory & Practice
Anxiety in Science Education [In Bulgarian]
Absract. The article discusses the importance of emotion knowledge and especially the knowledge of anxiety in science education and mathematics for improvement of students’ achievements. A modified version of SAS (Science anxiety Scale), adapted for use in Bulgarian, was employed for assessment of students’ anxiety in the teaching of biology and health education. With the aid of this scale, examination anxiety of eight and nine grade students of the general secondary school and of nine grade students in a technical school of construction as well as anxiety of nine-twelve grades biology students in a secondary language school (compulsory and elective courses) was assessed and evaluated. The sample of students was 270. Biology examination anxiety scores were significantly reduced after immediate biology achievement tests and correlated with delayed achievement tests. The results showed dependence of anxiety on achievement test items’ difficulty, achievement test attitudes, and individual physical, psychological and social students’ characteristics as well as on students’ aims and goals. Anxiety assessment simultaneously with academic achievement assessment and evaluation proved the importance of individual approach to student’s development of emotional intelligence for his/her personal progress in biology learning. Examination anxiety was reduced with the aid of interactive teaching strategies and techniques, with preliminary determination of the reliability and validity of tests as well as with assessment and evaluation of test items’ difficulty and discriminative ability. Biology examination anxiety is a distinct type of science anxiety.
Keywords: science anxiety, biology examination anxiety, anxiety assessment scale, biology anxiety and teaching
Z. Kostova
Curriculum Matters
Nomenclature Recommendations of IUPAC Related to the Chemical Terminology and Quantities, Units and Symbols Used in Chemistry [In Bulgarian]
Absract. The IUPAC recommendations related to the names and symbols of chemical elements, approved collective names of like elements, the system for describing of ionic charges and oxidation numbers as well as some new definitions have been commented. Some proper examples have been given.
Keywords:IUPAC recommendations, symbols & names, ionic charges, oxidation numbers, collective names, mass, mole and volume fractions
A. Zahariev
Teaching Efficiency
Higher Education Perspectives for an Exciting Educational Experience – Part V: An Indian Context
Absract. The universities and the higher educational institutions, being embodiment of their strengths and collective aspirations, help reshape the idea of developed India. The diversity of the higher education-trained workforce is of concern, as the economy needs scientists and innovators who can work with diverse collaborators in an increasingly open marketplace. Best practices for developing national interest, education revolution, change challenges, and random perspectives are presented. The challenge of changing higher education landscape is huge, and a significant shift in mindset and a disciplined lifestyle are necessary to have sufficient number of high quality skilled workers available on a consistent basis in the decades to come. India can emerge as a global platform for higher education and high quality research with a policy environment which is predictable, transparent and fair. We have to make concerted efforts and investment to achieve progress in certain key areas of education, energy, science and technology. The new developments must make existing education process and delivery systems more efficient and effective. The fundamental reform agenda for higher education will be to improve the quality and competitiveness of higher education and research, and empower individuals and society committed to the progress of the nation.
Keywords: higher education reforms, Indian perspectives, quality of education, education processes, teaching and scholarship, learning society, execution issues
B.H.S. Thimmappa
Teaching Efficiency
Graphical Problems in Physics Education in Secondary School [In Bulgarian]
Absract. Complete classification of graphical problems in physics education is presented. Methods of solving graphical problems are commented. A proper manual for solving graphical problems with students is presented.
H. Petrova
Personalities in Science
Rumen Lyubomirov Doychev (1938-1999) [In Bulgarian]
Absract. Rumen Lyubomirov Doychev’s life and professional activities are briefly described. He was admired lecturer for the students, earnest researcher and respected colleague. His teaching and research focused on promising new branches of biology – ecology and ethology, and their application in protecting nature and biological diversity.
Keywords: Rumen Doychev, ethology, ecology, biological education, nature conservation, environmental education
O. Dimitrov, Z. Kostova
Bulgarians Abroad
Brain-Like Spatio-Temporal Data Machines
N. Kasabov
History and Philosophy of Science
Chemistry Research in the University of Sofia: The First Hundred Years [In Bulgarian]
Absract. The history of the scientific research in chemistry carried out through a century at the University of Sofia is briefly presented. Three arbitrary periods are distinguished: 1889 – beginning of 1920’s, research in classical chemistry of 19th century; 1920’s – end of 1950’s, radical renovation which led to modern scientific research on European level in 1940’s; beginning 1960’s – end of 1980’s, significant extensive development including new research directions and themes. The directors of research, professors and heads of departments are presented.
Keywords: Sofia University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, science, research, history
D. Platikanov
History and Philosophy of Science
Naming of Chemical Elements
Absract. A summary review for the origin of the names and symbols of all chemical elements discovered up to now are presented along with the reasons for proposing these appellations.
Keywords: chemical elements, naming, discovery
M. Atanassova
Recent Papers on Constructivism in Education [In Bulgarian]
Absract. A list of selected papers on the constructivism in education is presented. The sources are published in 2012 and 2013. It is expected this thematic bibliography to help the reader to understand the meaning and use of this new educational paradigm that seems to be hard to introduce in the Bulgarian school practice.
Keywords: bibliography, constructivism, teaching and learning, constructivist environment
B.V. Toshev
Nayden Naydenov (1929-2014)
D. Klissurski