Properties and Conjectures Regarding Discrete Renewal Sequences
Nikolai Nikolov, Mladen Savov
1) Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
2) University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)
3) Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. In this work we review and derive some elementary properties of the discrete renewal sequences based on a positive, finite and integervalued random variable…
On Integration of STEM Modules in Mathematics Education
Elena Karashtranova 1), Aharon Goldreich 2), Nadezhda Borisova 1)
1) South-West University “Neofit Rilski” – Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria)
2) Ministry of Education – Tel Aviv (Israel)
Abstract. Student motivation has emerged as a major issue in mathematics education in recent years. Utilizing the capabilities of contemporary technology and the accessibility of a STEM environment is crucial for the creation and application of educational materials. Integration of the created resources will increase the interest of students to pursue in-depth studies of science and math…
Competences Formation through Problem-Based Learning
Dr. Borislava Kirilova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
American College of Sofia
Absract. The paper analyzes the benefits and opportunities for the successful integration of Problem-Based Learning (PrBL) during the mathematics classes in the first secondary school stage in order to form and develop key competences as well as skills for life and work in the 21st century in the context of the Strategic Framework for the Development of Education, Training and Learning in the Republic of Bulgaria (2021 – 2030). PrBL is discussed in the context of the competency-based approach that stimulates learners’ interest, challenging them to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during mathematics education in real-life scenarios...
Development of Digital Competencies in the Compulsory Education in Computer Model- ling and Information Technology in Secondary School
Dr. Temenuzhka Zafirova-Malcheva, Assoc. Prof.,Dr. Nikolina Nikolova, Assoc. Prof., Pencho Mihnev
Sofia University
Absract. The present study aims to identify the needs for updating the curriculum documentation and teaching content of Computer Modelling and Information Technology (CMIT) at the lower secondary stage and Information Technology (IT) at the upper secondary stage of education in Bulgaria...
Interactive Resources for Teaching the Inversion Method for Construction Problems
Tsvetelina Yordanova
Private School ”Pitagor”
Absract. The article presents a set of interactive resources with a dynamic geometry software which demonstrate the application of the inversion method in solving construction problems...
Investigation of the Relationship between Phonemic Composition and Emotional Valence of Text
Dr. Velina Slavova, Prof., Dr. Filip Andonov, Ass. prof.
New Bulgarian University
Absract. This paper is based on the results of published authorial research on the relationship between the sound composition of language and emotion, leading to the conclusions and generalizations drawn here...