Dr. Hristo Banov, Assist. Prof.
Institute for the State and the Law
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. The purpose of the study is to analyse the issues related to the ways of implementing state policy in the field of education, aimed at ensuring and guaranteeing quality and efficient preschool and school education. Emphasis is placed on an extremely important prerequisite for providing education with the specified characteristics in schools and kindergartens, which is a serious goal for every state administration, namely the high personal (including moral) qualities
of pedagogical specialists – the subjects who are directly involved in the process of providing the relevant education. More specifically, it concerns the grounds
established in the legislation for the dismissal of a pedagogical specialist in cases of their conviction for a crime. A comparison, respectively differentiation, is drawn
between this legal solution and the requirement, which is identical to it as a linguistic expression, for occupying the position of a pedagogical specialist. In addition to an in-depth analysis of the indicated grounds for dismissal, a comparison, respectively differentiation, between it and the requirement for occupying the position of a pedagogical specialist, which is identical as a linguistic expression, is made, as a result of which certain conclusions have been formulated for the first time in the doctrine.
Keywords: state education policy; quality preschool and school education; grounds for dismissal; requirement for occupying the position of a pedagogical specialist