Dr. Silvana Karagyozova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The research aims to explore the pedagogical benefits of the digital storytelling tool on the acquisition of visual literacy among higher education learners, as well as their personal attitudes during the process of completion of the specific task. Two main questions were asked: “Does digital storytelling support the development of key skills related to visual literacy?” and “Do the learners feel sufficiently engaged and motivated in the specific pedagogical tool of digital storytelling?” A qualitative approach was used using the method of direct observation and a survey with free-text answers. As in our case, Digital story is intended for students studying audiovisual disciplines in higher education, we have significantly raised the performance and assessment criteria so as to be adequate to the level of professional training to be covered by the relevant academic degree. The subjective evaluations of the students clearly showed a positive attitude towards the learning process, and the objective teaching observations brought out the presence of achievements in an upward direction. The important teaching conclusions are that, in a pedagogical aspect, Digital story fulfilled its purpose – to assist in a light and fun way to master audiovisual technical and creative skills at a high professional level, to engage learners with course content, to have a lasting impact on higher order visual literacy skills, to effectively develop visual thinking.
Keywords: digital storytelling, visual literacy