Prof. Liudmila Karpenko, DSc.
Samara National Research University
Samara, Russia
Absract. The article analyzes the content structure and linguistic means of creating the image of the manor in the Russian-language text on the material of reminiscence character. Texts of different periods in which descriptions of the
manor are revealed are analyzed. The work employs a complex approach combining
elements of etymological, structural semantic, contextual analysis. The study
concludes that the conceptual core of the image of the manor has been preserved
since ancient times: the manor is a place of the mastered world, a dwelling place.
This meaning corresponds to the image of the manor in the reminiscences of Russian
writers and memoirists. The text of the reminiscences of the XIX-XX centuries
allows us to trace the updated semantic dominants: the transformation of the image
of the manor over two centuries, the change of ideas about the order of things in
the world, the destruction of the ideal image. The dynamics of the development of
the image of the manor in the Russian literary text and individual-author semantic
increments are revealed, as well as in the systematization of linguistic means of
creating the image.
Keywords: estate; image; content; structure; transformation; artistic text; means of expression