Dr. Magdalena Abadzhieva, Chief Assistant
Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Ljubomir Andreychin”
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Absract. The article examines two lexemes from the speech of the Bulgarian Catholics of Belene, originating from rites and dances of the Orthodox population in the city, by which are named unacceptable actions. The examples are interesting for how confessional difference manifests itself through language, transforming neutral vocabulary into emotional-expressive with a negative or disapproving tone. By means of the word бръзъùцъ, related to the observance „Brazaya“, a mocking and contemptuous attitude towards a woman with a funny, ugly or scary face is expressed. The second example under consideration, èръйшалдъ, derives from a dance characteristic of the Orthodox population of Belene, and is used in a negative sense for a person who expresses his joyous emotions unrestrained or who is
rebellious and stubborn.
Keywords: Bulgarian Catholics; Belene; confessional difference; expressive vocabulary