Dr. Kamen Binbelov, Assist. Prof.
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”
Absract. The football hooliganism matter has been a problem of the present day in our society for quite a lot of years. But the already frequent acts of violence at the stadiums lately in our country make the matter topical.
The purpose of study is to trace the security issues during the matches of the First League 2022/2023. To analyze the stewards' role at the stadiums and how far they can deal with the acts of violence. The sanctions, which the Bulgarian Football Union imposed on all 16 teams of the elite division, will be presented in a table view. In the study, a connection will be searched for between the teams’ positions
in the final ranking and their classification in terms for imposed sanctions for acts of violence on behalf of their fans. In the report, the matter of the regulatory base will be discussed as well, and to what degree the Regulation for Championships and Tournaments of the BFU meets in its completeness the imposing of penalties
and sanctions for the various offenses. The topicality of the studied matter in the prepared report is due to the fact that data will be provided from the season, which
just ended.
Keywords: football hooliganism; financial sanctions; Regulation of BFU; stewards