Dr. Kirilka Tagareva, Assoc. Prof
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the social and communicative competences in children in preschool age. The aim of the research is to determine the features of the social and communicative competences during preschool age. A theoretical analysis of various scientific views on the subject has
been made. Communicative competences are examined through M. Lisina’s concept
in communication with adults and peers. As a result of the study, the following three main groups of social-communicative competences of children in preschool
age, have been identified: 1) skills related to the social development of the child’s
personality; 2) skills related to the communication with adults on a situational interpersonal, situational-practical, extrasituational-cognitive and extrasituational interpersonal level and communication with peers on an emotional-practical and practical level; 3) skills related to general knowledge and ethics. In practice, these features can be rendered into account in the organisation of the educational work
in kindergarten for the development of the children’s social and communicative
competences. These can also be useful for parents in raising and educating children.
Keywords: social competences; communicative competences; skills; preschool
age; social development; communication