Prof. Milena Kirova, DSc.,
Dr. Daniela Yordanova, Assoc. Prof.
“Angel Kanchev” University of Ruse
Abstract. Industry 5.0 requires an innovative approach in every area of life, requiring us to think about protecting the environment, creating quality of life and increasing efficiency in industry. Despite the conflicting feelings it arouses in the discussions about the new place of man in the labor market, all experts agree that a qualitatively new approach is needed in the training of personnel who can quickly adapt to emerging changes. The presented research discusses the changes that occur as a result of Industry 5.0 and provides guidance for the training of personnel in higher education institutions through the creation of university clubs, where a direct connection between students, employers and teachers/researchers is made. As a result, a synergistic effect should be obtained from the accumulation of knowledge, skills and competences, which will increase the employability of young people, encourage the development of scientific products dictated by the needs of the industry and increase the competitiveness of partner companies.
Keywords: Industry 5.0, higher education, university clubs, university-business cooperation, university-industry cooperation